Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Perfect tea for Bacon

I found this article on what tea should be drunk with Bacon in the morning. I'm not sure I agree, but then I prefer coffee to tea, and with my tea I like english breakfast or oolong. But this is what the experts said.

Whittard of Chelsea, the tea and coffee supplier, embarked on a survey of a wide range of teas in order to find the best fit for the fry-up. Giles Hilton, the "nose" of the tea and coffee supplier, led a team of experts in sampling the brews to mark the 100th birthday of the teabag.

He said: "English breakfasts should always be accompanied by a mug of steaming tea and, at its best, eaten in the greasy spoon round the corner.

"Most often the tea served will be a blend of Kenyan, Assam and Ceylon tea, but in my experience Orange Pekoe tea is the best.

"Orange Pekoe suits the English taste for a rich, strong-tasting black tea which takes milk well. It is the very best Ceylon tea. It has a heavy but classic base which holds its own against the bacon, egg and sausage of a fry-up but does not alter the classic taste."


Alexa and the Bacon Boys

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How much do you love Bacon?

Are you going to celebrate Bacon Day 2009?


Alltop. Seriously?! I got in?