Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Another Pork Bacon Alternitive.

I know this is only a brief line in an article, but in The Jewish Week they mention Lamb bacon. I don't know why I never thought of it before, but I bet it's amazing and I would love to try it. I know some (the Bacon Boys have mentioned this) may say that I'm not a true bacon lover for saying this, but I do enjoy the non pork bacon from time to time including the soy kind. Lamb though is one of my favorite meats, and I bet would make an amazing bacon with rosemary and black pepper. Hmmm. When I start to make my own bacon (which is going to happen when I can figure out how to get my roommates to let me have enough room in the fridge to let it sit for a week or so) I think I might have to try making some non pork bacon.


Alexa and the Bacon Boys

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How much do you love Bacon?

Are you going to celebrate Bacon Day 2009?


Alltop. Seriously?! I got in?